Sunday, April 14, 2013

My current Personal Mission Statement

I journey through life collecting experiences. I am an explorer, who travels to find diverse audiences, perspectives, and vistas to develop a deeper understanding of myself. I seek a challenging work environment that compels me to hone existing skills and develop new talents. I am a collaborator, a facilitator, and an instigator who is easily sarcastic. I am creative and cherish imagination, intuition, and innovation in myself and my peers. I am a social media evangelist, always seeking stronger ways to collaborate and connect in online communities. As a catalyst, I constantly seek to empower and embolden those around me to enjoy their own journeys. I am loyal, and will fiercely defend my friends. I am a gamer because games have given me many opportunities and rewards. I seek to remain humble and open to the lessons that I find along the way, and to live with an attitude of gratitude. I have a fundamental sense of duty to serve my community. In the final analysis, I am me, constantly improving…

1 comment:

  1. And we're lucky to know you... constantly improving. :)
